Center of expertise on nonlinear thermodynamic complex-systemic macro-analysis of human and natural domains

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Our socio-economic domains are mainly driven by non-linear thermodynamic undercurrents, just like natural systems such as the weather, ecosystems, immune-systems etc. Specifically, at a high abstraction-level, all these dynamics abide to the same so-called 'Maximum Entropy Production Principle'. This is a very technical and abstract principle, and it is currently not well understood.
But in the current era of the IT-revolution and globalization, where governmental policies are increasingly failing to address the biggest issues of our era, we think this principle holds the key to effective policies.
To be able to perform research and provide consultancy on the application of this principle to our socio-economic, financial and technological domains, by means of qualitative and quantitative analyses and visualizations, EntropoMetrics has developed a conceptual and metric framework, based on complex/non-linear dynamics, chaos-theory, thermodynamics/statistical mechanics and other sciences.
A lot of work has gone into maximizing the level of abstraction and strict formalization of the terminology of this conceptual framework, to prevent any 'anthropocentric' or ambiguous 'normative' aspects creeping into our methodology. This yields a broadly applicable paradigm for effective and empirically supported policy-making.

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'The Map Room, mapping the polycrisis from The Systemic Point of View'.
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Main publications

The core thesis of EntropoMetrics concerns the inference that, for dissipative systems, it holds that entropy does not only increase, but it increases as fast as possible. This has profound implications for the understanding of non-linear systems from a natural science perspective (such as living systems), and for our understanding and dealing with our socio/financial/economic/technological ('growing') systems from a policy perspective.
This is mathematical paper, and can be found as a preprint here

The main application of this thesis sits in the domain of so-called 'complexity economics'. The main non-technical publication on this 'It's the Entropy, Stupid!', which can be found here.

More publications can be found on this page.

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